Every Leicester website company does all it can to ensure that the website it designs can stand out among the hundreds of other websites that are created every week. But in the midst of all the design styles, one big question that they grapple is whether to pay more attention to UX or UI. What are these two terms? Ask any website developers Leicester, and they will easily explain the difference to you. UI stands for a user interface, and it is the sum total of visual and tactile experiences a visitor has on a website. User experience stands for the overall experience that the visitor has while navigating the website. A website designer can’t choose either UI or UX over the other. Both these aspects are very integral to good website design. Without good UI, a visitor will not find it convenient and attractive to browse a website. But if a website has good UI without ensuring a pleasant UX, there might be too many repeat visits. Also, the chances of conversion/purchase ...
Leicester Websites is a leading website designing firm specializing in all kinds of website designing activities.